EMAK Precious Metals Refining & Recycling Systems

With ​over 40​ years of experience in Precious Metal​s, l​ow cost operation​s​ and ​recovery with ​MINIMUM LOSS​ is not a dream with EMAK team.

E​MAK helps small and medium scale miners since 1975 for following topics;

  • Turn-Key Mining Projects
  • Gold, Silver, Platinum and Palladium Processing
  • Ore Testing and Determining of Characteristics
  • Process Modeling
  • Operation
  • Feasibility
  • Operation Equipment
  • Process Counseling
  • Startup
  • Facility Management For Investors

Gold, Silver, Platinum and Palladium Processing

There are many ways to get Precious Metals from the dirt. With our Know-How and Special Technologies we can offer you the most feasible and effective methods for recovery. You can easily get your precious metals in your hands.

Ore Testing and Determining of Characteristics

The first step of PM Mining is knowing what you are dealing with. We test your samples and examine the analysis to find the needs of the ore and create the exact process. We can test your samples or examine your analysis for finding the needs of the ores.

Process Modeling and Feasibility

Process design is comes right after the ore testing. EMAK Engineers will analyze the ore for finding the best and the most feasible ways. After the determination of the process EMAK can provide detailed operation feasibility including labor, electricity, floor plans, chemical spendings, expenses, incomes and Profits.

EMAK analyzes hundreds of samples every month and has a huge database of every kind of ore. With this huge knowledge we can offer you the best solutions.

Operation Equipment

After finding the way of the Precious Metals all we need to do is installing the necessary machinery and chemical operations.

We are supply our customers to;

  • Crushers
  • Grinders
  • Separators
  • Concentrators
  • Dewatering Systems
  • Leaching Systems
  • Waste Treatment Systems and Final Refining Systems

Do you need any assistance?

Feel free to contact us.
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